The Law Firm

 Grigorios I. Giannoulis and Associates - OPTIMA JUSTITIA
Grigorios I. Giannoulis and Associates - OPTIMA JUSTITIA

The "Grigorios I. Giannoulis and Associates" Law Firm was founded in 2022 and operates in Athens, Thessaloniki and Larissa. Since the first day of establishment, our office has been committed to offering high quality legal services with the main objective of protecting and promoting the rights of our clients.

Our core values ​​are transparency, integrity and continuous effort to achieve the best results. Our office follows a human-centered approach, giving preference to trust and dedication to each of our clients.

We are characterized by the high level Of expertise of our legal team, ensuring the quality of the legal and advisory services we provide. Our firm maintains solid partnerships with specialized legal advisors and external partners. 

 Grigorios I. Giannoulis- Lawyer, PhD (c), LL.M.
Grigorios I. Giannoulis- Lawyer, PhD (c), LL.M.

PhD (c), LL.M.

Grigorios Giannoulis is a lawyer and a member of the Larissa Bar Association.

He graduated from the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and received a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in "Legal Theory and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies" with honors (9.42/10). He was awarded a second Master of Law (LL.M.) after attending the Postgraduate Program of the Law School of the Demokriteon University of Thrace (DUTH) in "Business Law" with honors (10/10).

Since November 2022, he has been a PhD candidate at the Law School of AUTH, specializing in issues of religious freedom. His doctoral research on the legal personality of religious communities is funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (EL.ID.E.K.). He has participated in domestic and international scientific conferences as part of his academic activities.

He has attended educational seminars at the Lifelong Learning Center of AUTH on "Bankruptcy Law after Law 4738/2020" and "Economic Criminal Law".

He speaks Greek and English.


• K. Papageorgiou - G. Giannoulis "The legal status of ecclesiastical works - The current Regulation 55/1974 and newer regulations of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece", Legal Journal Church, January 2022, pp. 57-67 (Each part of the study was authored as follows: K. Papageorgiou: I and V, G. Giannoulis: II-IV, Jointly: Conclusions - Proposals).

• G. Giannoulis, "The Legal Status of Ecclesiastical Works under the Perspective of Religious Self-Government and Community Law", Theory and Practice of Administrative Law, May 2023, pp. 514-527.

• No. 1478/2022 Decision of the Plenary session of the Council of State, remarks by Giannoulis Grigorios, Armenopoulos November 2022, pp. 1834-1843.

• G. Giannoulis, "The relations between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and rebel Greeks prompted by the exchange of letters between Patriarch Agathangelos and Kapodistrias", Legal Journal The Constitution, Issue 3&4/2023, pp. 1215-1236.
G. Giannoulis, "Financial control of church project contracts and religious self-government", Theory and Practice of Administrative Law, August -September 2024, pp. 757-766.